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Ringvorlesung in the Winter Term 2024/25

In the winter term 2024/25 the Ringvorlesung will be conducted in English.


Time and venue

Participant Information

The participants in this program will become acquainted with current methods to analyze complex problems in sustainability science and their impact in our society. Special attention will be payed to an digesting of sustainability as an issue of interlocking crises, analysis from multiple perspectives, and how quantitative modeling and predictions help in this endeavor.

From the perspective of case studies of current research the participants

  • will learn about current analysis and modeling strategies,
  • they will be introduced to handling data and statistics, and
  • their use to develop and evaluate action plans.

The Ringvorlesung can be taken as

Moodle Course and Participant Information

There will be a Moodle course with homeworks and material to prepare for the sessions, and recordings of the lectures.

Practice seminars

There are also two Practice seminars (as a workshop) augmenting the course. The participation in the Practice seminars is compulsory for participants that follow the module 12-PHY-BMWBNE1.

The first Practice seminar (workshop) took place on 23 and 24 November 2022. We discussed the concepts of change agents for sustainable development, futures and pasts, and visited the exhibition FUTURES. Material and design of tomorrow in the Grassi Museum of Applied Arts.

The second Practice seminar (workshop) will take place on March 1 and 2, 2025. We will present and discuss the ideas for the Essays.

Further information about the essays and seminars is available on password protected wiki pages for information of and communication between the course participants.

en/bne/ringvorlesung_wise2024-25/start.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/01 14:46 by Jürgen Vollmer