Ringvorlesung in the Winter Term 2021/22
In the winter term 2022/23 the Ringvorlesung was conducted in German.
The participants in this program will become acquainted with current methods to analyze complex problems in sustainability science and their impact in our society. Special attention will be payed to quantitative modeling and predictions.
From the perspective of different applications
- they will learn about current modeling strategies,
- they will be introduced to handling data and statistics, and
- their use to develop and evaluate action plans.
Time and venue
- Thursday, 17:15 – 19:00
- Hörsaal für Theoretische Physik, Linnéstr. 5
- Streaming at https://lecture.uni-leipzig.de/b/kru-jku-yov-znl (Diskurs Nachhaltigkeit)
Moodle course
- Moodle course with material for the preparation and background information concerning the lectures. You will also find links to the recordings of the lectures.
The announcement poster is available here.
Datum | Sprecher | Thema | |
✔ | 10 14 | Vollmer/Krüger | risiken_modelle_und_vorhersagen |
✔ | 21 | Krause | Die genetische Geschichte der Pest: Was wir aus alten Pandemien lernen? |
28 | Pretschner | Elektromobilität | |
✔ | 11 04 | Herrmann/Katz | BNE an Schulen und außerschulischen Lernorten |
✔ | 11 | Heimann | Umwelthandlungskompetenz |
✔ | 18 | Gläser | Nachhaltigkeit in chemischen Verfahren und Produkten |
✔ | 25 | Feilhauer | Ökosystemare Dienstleistungen und Biodiversität |
✔ | 12 02 | Freiberg/Zabel | Garten der Vielfalt |
✔ | 09 | Wendisch | Klimaänderungen in der Arktis |
✔ | 16 | Quaas | Klimakrise |
✔ | 01 06 | Zielhofer | Auf dem Weg zur Fluvialen Anthroposphäre |
✔ | 13 | Bruckner | Modelle und Vorhersagen zur Dekarbonisierung |
✔ | 20 | Glaesmer | Krieg, Vertreibung, Trauma |
✔ | 27 | Burghardt/Langer | “Eye of newt and toe of frog“ – Beiträge der Digital Humanities für die historische Biodiversitätsforschung |
✔ | 02 03 | Heller/Vollmer | Von der Form zum Klang – Klang als Phänotyp von Material und Struktur |
The Ringvorlesung can be taken as * SQ Modul (5 LP) * Grundlagenmodul (10 LP) for the University Certificate „Competences for Sustainable Development“ * non-physics elective (Wahlpflichtmodul) in the Physics Bachelor- and Masters-Programs (German and IPSP) * elective in other study programs at the Universität Leipzig (on request to the appropriate examining board) Registration was possible by sending an email before 6 October 2021.