Theoretical Mechanics IPSP

Jürgen Vollmer, Universität Leipzig

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Appendix 3. The Solar System

The solar system has $1.0014$ solar masses, which amounts to about $2 \times 10^{30}\, \, \text{kg}$.

The Earth-Sun distance is $1 \, \text{AU} \simeq 500 \, \text{light second} \simeq 1.5 \times 10^{11}\, \, \text{m}$.

object Sun Mecury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptun
distance $0.005$ $0.387098$ $0.723332$ $1$ $1.523679$ $5.2044$ $9.5826$ $19.2184$ $30.11$
radius $109$ $0.3829$ $0.9499$ $1$ $0.533$ $11.209$ $9.449 $ $4.007$ $3.883$
mass $333,000$ $0.055$ $0.815$ $1$ $0.107$ $317.8$ $95.159$ $14.536$ $17.147$
period $0.240846$ $0.615198$ $1$ $2.1354$ $11.862$ $29.4571$ $84.0205$ $164.8$

Properties of Sun and planets of our solar system, provided in multiples of the Earth values. The distance referes to the semi-major axis in AU. For the sun the distance denotes the sun surface, i.e., its radius. }

object Moon Ceres Pluto Eris
distance $0.00257$ $2.769$ $39.482$ $67.864$
radius $0.2727$ $0.073$ $0.1868$ $0.1825$
mass $0.0123$ $0.00016$ $0.00218$ $0.0028$
period $0.08085$ $4.61$ $247.94$ $559.07$

Properties of the Moon and dwarf planets of our solar system. The properties of the Moon refer to its distrance to and period around Earth. Ceres is the largest object in the meteorite belt between Mars and Jupiter. Eris is a dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt that is larger in mass than Pluto.

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book/appendix/solar-system.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/11 22:03 by jv