Theoretical Mechanics IPSP

Jürgen Vollmer, Universität Leipzig

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Appendix 1. SI Units

We typically denote numerical values in scientific notation with a number in the interval $[1,10)$, multiplied by a power of ten, followed by a combination of the following units:

time second s , sec
length meter m
mass kilogram kg

Occasionally, the power of ten is indicated by one of the following abbreviations

d dezi $10^{-1}$
c centi $10^{-2}\qquad\qquad$ h hekto $10^2$
m milli $10^{-3}\qquad\qquad$ k kilo $10^3$
$\mu$ micro $10^{-6}$ M mega $10^6$
n nano $10^{-9}$ G giga $10^9$
p pico $10^{-12}$ T tera $10^{12}$
f femto $10^{-15}$ P peta $10^{15}$
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book/appendix/si-units.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/19 10:57 by elias