Theoretical Mechanics IPSP

Jürgen Vollmer, Universität Leipzig

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General Discussion

This a room for feedback on the course in general, the IPSP program, and your live in Leipzig.

Moreover, I am looking forward to descriptions of problems and/or obscure error messages you encountered with almaweb, the university email, and moodle. If you can also provide a solution that is even better. In the course of time the descriptions of the problems and solutions will grow into a HowTo page for IPSP students.

In the end a good HowTo entry should involve a description of a

  1. problem with a quote of the /error message/ and the context where it arises
  2. solution
    • Whom did you contact when something did not work, and how did you describe the problem?
    • Which web page did you visit to solve the problem, and which information was filled in?
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ipsp/participants.1605031533.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/10 19:05 by jv