Table of Contents
Annett Kaldich
She will discuss global challenges for societies, and introduce the UNESCO sustainable development goals.
- Jens Martens und Wolfgang Obenland: Die Agenda 2030. Globale Zukunftsziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (Global Policy Forum, Bonn, 2017)
- Konrad Ott, Jan Dierks und Lieske Voget-Kleschin (Hrsg.): Handbuch Umweltethik (J. B. Metzler Verlag, Springer Verlag, 2016)
- Jill Jäger: Was verträgt unsere Erde noch? Wege in die Nachhaltigkeit (Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2007)
- Klaus Wiegandt (Hrsg.): Mut zur Nachhaltigkeit. 12 Wege in die Zukunft (Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2016)
Vollmer, Jürgen
He will have some critical remarks on past and present assessments of challenges to humankind, and their impact on our planet.
- Challenges of the 20th century
- Thomas Hager: The Demon under the Microscope: From Battlefield hospitals to Nazi labs, one doctor's heroic search for the world's first miracle drug (Three Rivers Press, New York, 2006)
- Thomas Hager: The Alchemy of Air: A Jewish genius, a doomed tycoon, and the scientific discovery that fed the world but fueled the rise of Hitler (Harmony Books, New York, 2008)
- Challenges for the 21st century: climate crises
- Gerald O. Barney, ed.: The Global 2000 Report to the President (US Government Printing Office, 1980); bzw. die dt. Übersetzung Global 2000 (Zweitausendeins, 1980)
- Tim Flanney: The Weather Makers: Our Changing Climate and What it Means for Life on Earth (Penguin, 2005)
- Playfully-critically dealing with STEAM
- Randall Munroe: What if? (John Murray, London, 2014)
- Walter Krämer: Wie lügt man mit Statistik (Campus, Frankfurt/New York, 1991)
- Robert Ehrlich: Nine Crazy Ideas in Science: A Few Might Even Be True (Princeton UP, Princeton, 2001)
talk on 13 Oct 2022 — Ringvorlesung in the Winter Term 2022/23
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