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Research group Computational Quantum Field Theory (CQT)
Institut fuer Theoretische Physik
Fakultaet fuer Physik und Geowissenschaften
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Name: Thomas Vogel
Abteilung: Soft Matter Systems Research Group, Forschungszentrum Juelich
Status: Postdoc
Telefon: 02461-61-2182
- T. Vogel (2004)
"HP Proteine auf verallgemeinerten Gittern und Homopolymerkollaps", Diplomarbeit
[pdf (7.4MB)]
- T. Vogel (2009)
"Structural Behavior of Polymers from Monte Carlo Studies of Coarse-Grained Models", Dissertation / Ph.D. Thesis
[Summary; Complete document (3.4MB)]
- T. Vogel, M. Bachmann, W. Janke
"Freezing and Collapse of Flexible Polymers on Regular Lattices in Three Dimensions"
Phys. Rev. E 76, 061803 (2007) [arXiv:0710.4960; abstract, download];
Virt. J. Biol. Phys. Res. (->) 15(1), Jan. 1 (2008)
- T. Vogel, M. Bachmann, W. Janke
"Freezing and Collapse of Flexible Polymers"
U.H.E. Hansmann et al. (Eds.) From Computational Biophysics to System Biology (CBSB08), Proceedings.
NIC Series, Vol. 40 (->). John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC), Jülich (2008) [arXiv:0902.2340; pdf]
- T. Vogel, T. Neuhaus, M. Bachmann, W. Janke
"Thickness-dependent secondary structure formation of tubelike polymers"
EPL (Europhys. Lett.) 85, 10003 (2009) [arXiv:0902.0896; abstract, download]
- S. Schnabel, T. Vogel, M. Bachmann, W. Janke
"Surface effects in the crystallization process of elastic flexible polymers"
Chem. Phys. Lett. 476, 201 (2009) [abstract, download]
- T. Vogel, T. Neuhaus, M. Bachmann, W. Janke
"Thermodynamics of tubelike flexible polymers"
Phys. Rev. E 80, 011802 (2009) [arXiv:0907.3042; abstract, download];
Virt. J. Biol. Phys. Res. (->) 18(3), Aug. 1 (2009)
- T. Vogel, T. Neuhaus, M. Bachmann, W. Janke
"Ground-state properties of tubelike flexible polymers"
Eur. Phys. J. E 30, 7 (2009) [abstract, download]
- 2004: "Collapse of Long Lattice Polymers", DPG Conference, Regensburg, March 8-12
- 2005: "Simple protein models", NTZ-Workshop Protein Folding and Substrate Specificity (ProtFold05), Leipzig, June 16
- 2006: "Polymer Chain Growth on Lattice", CBBP Seminar Series, Lund, February 6
- 2007: "Freezing and collapse of flexible polymers", 8th International NTZ-Workshop on New Developments in Computational Physics (CompPhys07), Leipzig, Nov 29-Dez 1
- 2008:
- "Ground-state properties of thick flexible polymers", DPG Conference, Berlin, February 25-29
- "Freezing and collapse of flexible lattice polymers", 18th International Workshop on Lattice Field Theory and Statistical Physics (LEILAT08), Leipzig, June 26-28
- 2009:
- "Secondary structure formation of tubelike polymers", Saxonian Theory Seminar, Leipzig, February 26,27
- "Secondary structure formation of tubelike polymers" (short version), DPG Conference, Dresden, March 22-27
- "Secondary structure formation of tubelike polymers" (extended version), Universidad Complutense de Madrid, April 15
- "Structural Behavior of Polymers from Monte Carlo Studies of Coarse-Grained Models" Technion (Israel Institue of Technology), Oktober 13
- "Structural Behavior of Polymers from Monte Carlo Studies of Coarse-Grained Models", Kolloquium, Leipzig, November 13
- 2003: "Untersuchung des 2D Ising-Modells mit Brascamp-Kunz Randbedingungen", (215KB)
presented at: DPG Conference, Dresden, March 24-28
- 2004: "HP Proteins on Generalised Lattices", (6.3MB)
presented at:
- Winter School on Computational Soft Matter, Bonn, Feb 29-March 6
- DPG Conference, Regensburg, March 8-12
- 3. Biotechnologietag, Leipzig, May 19
- 2005: "Coarse-Grained Polymer Models: On-Lattice vs. Off-Lattice", (520KB)
presented at:
- DPG Conference, Berlin, March 4-9
- 30th Conf. of the Middle European Coop. in Statistical Physics (MECO30), Cortona, April 3-6
- 4. Biotechnologietag, Leipzig, June 3
- 6th NTZ-Workshop on Computational Physics (CompPhys05), Leipzig, December 1-2
- 2006: "Application of New Chain-Growth Algorithms for Lattice Polymers"
A0.pdf (759KB)
presented at: DPG Conference, Dresden, March 26-31
- 2007: "Collapse and Freezing Transitions of Polymers on Regular Lattices"
A0.pdf (1.3MB)
presented at:
- 7th NTZ-Workshop on Computational Physics (CompPhys06), Leipzig, Nov 30-Dez 2 (2006)
- CECAM Tutorial "Programming Parallel Computers", Forschungszentrum Jülich, January 22-26
- DPG Conference, Regensburg, March 26-30
- 2008:
- "Ground-State Properties of Thick Flexible Polymers"
A0.pdf (0.6MB)
presented at:
- 33th Conf. of the Middle European Coop. in Statistical Physics (MECO33), Puchberg, April 14-16
- 9th International NTZ-Workshop on New Developments in Computational Physics (CompPhys08), Leipzig, November 27-29
- "Freezing and Collapse of Flexible Polymers"
A0.pdf (1.3MB)
presented at: Workshop "From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology" (CBSB08), Forschungszentrum Jülich, May 19-21
- 2009:
- "Secondary structure formation of tubelike polymers"
presented at: 34th Conf. of the Middle European Coop. in Statistical Physics (MECO34), Leipzig, March 29-April 1
- "Thermodynamics of tubelike flexible polymers"
presented at: Jülich Soft Matter Days 2009, Bonn, November 10-13
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Thomas Vogel
Last modified: Tue Feb 2 22:17:55 CET 2010