Manfred Salmhofer: Research

For a description of my research projects, see

From September to December, 2004, I organized the

Research Program on Many-Body Quantum Theory
at the Erwin-Schrödinger-Institute, Vienna

together with Jakob Yngvason (University of Vienna)

Together with Christoph Kopper and Vincent Rivasseau, I have organized the conference (April 9-14, 2006)

The Rigorous Renormalization Group

at Mathematisches Forschungszentrum Oberwolfach.

Together with Stefan Adams, I have organized the international workshop

Analysis and Stochastics in Quantum Many-Body Systems

(May 17-19,2007, Leipzig)

Publications since 1996

J.Feldman, M. Salmhofer, E.Trubowitz
Perturbation Theory around Non-nested Fermi Surfaces I. Keeping the Fermi Surface Fixed
J.Stat.Phys. 84 (1996) 1209-1336

M. Salmhofer
Improved Power Counting and Fermi Surface Renormalization
Rev.Math.Phys. 10 (1998) 553-578

E. Langmann, J. Lidmar, M. Salmhofer, M. Wallin
Mean field analysis of a model for superconductivity in an antiferromagnetic background,
Physica C 296 (1998) 119-136

J.Feldman, M. Salmhofer, E.Trubowitz
Perturbation Theory around Non-nested Fermi Surfaces II. Regularity of the Moving Fermi Surface: RPA Contributions
Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 51 (1998) 1133-1246

M. Salmhofer
Fermionic sign cancellations in the continuous renormalization group equation
Phys. Lett. B 408 (1997) 245

J.Feldman, M. Salmhofer, E.Trubowitz
Regularity of the Moving Fermi Surface: The Full Selfenergy
Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 52 (1999) 273-324

M. Salmhofer
Continuous renormalization for fermions and Fermi liquid theory
Comm. Math. Phys. 194 (1998) 249-295

J.Feldman, M. Salmhofer, E.Trubowitz
Renormalization of the Fermi Surface
XIIth International Congress of Mathematical Physics (ICMP '97) (Brisbane), 24-34, Internat. Press, Cambridge, MA, 1999

M. Salmhofer
A continuous renormalization group analysis of fermionic quantum field theory
Proceedings of the conference MATHPHYS'97, Kiev, Ukrainian Journal of Physics 43 (1998) 735-753

J.Feldman, H. Knörrer, M. Salmhofer, E.Trubowitz
The Temperature Zero Limit
J. Stat. Phys. 94 (1999) 113-157

N.Furukawa, T.M.Rice, M. Salmhofer
Truncation of a 2-dimensional Fermi surface due to quasiparticle gap formation at the saddle points
Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998) 3195-3198

M. Salmhofer, C. Wieczerkowski
Construction of the renormalized GN(2-epsilon) trajectory Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal 6 (2000) No.1

M. Salmhofer, C. Wieczerkowski
Positivity and Convergence in Fermionic Quantum Field Theory
J.Stat.Phys. 99 (2000) 557-586

J.Feldman, M. Salmhofer, E.Trubowitz
An Inversion Theorem in Fermi Surface Theory
Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 53 (2000) 1350-1384

N.Furukawa, C. Honerkamp, M. Salmhofer, T.M.Rice
Renormalization group study of the Hubbard model at the van Hove singular point
Physica B 284-288, Part 2 (2000) 1571-1572

C. Honerkamp, M. Salmhofer, N.Furukawa, T.M.Rice
Breakdown of the Landau-Fermi liquid in Two Dimensions due to Umklapp Scattering
Phys. Rev. B 63 (2001) 035109

M. Salmhofer, C. Honerkamp
Fermionic renormalization group flows - Technique and Theory
Prog. Theor. Phys. 105 (2001) 1

C. Honerkamp, M. Salmhofer
The magnetic and superconducting instabilities of the Hubbard model at the van Hove filling
Phys.Rev.Lett. 87 (2001) 187004

C. Honerkamp, M. Salmhofer
The Temperature-Flow Renormalization Group and the Competition between Ferromagnetism and Superconductivity
Phys. Rev. B 64 (2001) 184516

M. Salmhofer
Perturbative Renormalizability of phi^3_6 by Renormalization Group Differential Equations
Proceedings of the 2002 Hesselberg workshop
Theory of Renormalization and Regularization

C. Honerkamp, M. Salmhofer, T.M. Rice,
Flow to Strong Coupling in the 2-D Hubbard Model
European Physical Journal B 27 (2002) 127

C. Honerkamp, M. Salmhofer
Flow of the quasiparticle weight in the $N$--patch renormalization group scheme
Phys. Rev. B 67, 174504 (2003)

C. Landim, J. Quastel, M. Salmhofer, H.T. Yau
Superdiffusivity of asymmetric exclusion processes in dimensions one and two
Comm. Math. Phys. 244, No. 3 (2004) 455-481

L. Erdös, M. Salmhofer, H.-T. Yau
On the Quantum Boltzmann Equation
J. Stat. Phys. 116 (2004) 367-380

W. Pedra, M. Salmhofer
Fermi Systems in Two Dimensions and Fermi Surface Flows
Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Mathematical Physics, Lisbon, 2003

C. Honerkamp, M. Salmhofer
Ferromagnetism and triplet superconductivity in the two-dimensional Hubbard model
Proceedings of M2S-Rio, Rio de Janeiro 2003, Physica C 408-41 (2004) 302

M. Salmhofer
Book review of
Feldman, Joel; Knörrer, Horst; Trubowitz, Eugene:
Fermionic functional integrals and the renormalization group.
CRM Monograph Series 16. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (2002).
see also the ZMATH review

M. Salmhofer, C. Honerkamp, W. Metzner, O. Lauscher
Renormalization Group Flows into Phases with Broken Symmetry
Prog. Theor. Phys. 112 (2004) 943-970

C. Honerkamp, M. Salmhofer
Eliashberg equations derived from the functional renormalization group
Prog. Theor. Phys. 113, No. 6 (2005) 1145--1158

L. Erdös, M. Salmhofer, H.-T. Yau,
Towards the Quantum Brownian Motion.
Springer Lecture Notes in Physics 690,
Mathematical Physics of Quantum Mechanics,
Selected and Refereed Lectures from QMath9.
Eds. Joachim Asch and Alain Joye. pp. 233-258 (2006)

M. Salmhofer
Renormalization: Statistical Mechanics and Condensed Matter
Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics,
eds. J.-P. Francoise, G.L. Naber and Tsou S.T.
Oxford: Elsevier, 2006 (ISBN 978-0-1251-2666-3), volume 4, page 407-414.

L. Erdös, M. Salmhofer, H.-T. Yau,
Quantum diffusion of the random Schrödinger evolution in the scaling limit I. The non-recollision diagrams.
math-ph/0512014, Acta Mathematica 200 (2008) 211-277

L. Erdös, M. Salmhofer, H.-T. Yau,
Quantum diffusion of the random Schrödinger evolution in the scaling limit II. The recollision diagrams.
math-ph/0512015, Comm. Math. Phys. 271 (2007) 1-53

L. Erdös, M. Salmhofer, H.-T. Yau,
Quantum diffusion for the Anderson model in the scaling limit.
math-ph/0502025, Annales Henri Poincaré 8 (2007) 621-685

L. Erdös, M. Salmhofer,
Decay of the Fourier Transform of Surfaces with Vanishing Curvature
math-ph/0604039, Mathematische Zeitschrift 257 (2007) 261-294

M. Salmhofer
Dynamical Adjustment of Propagators in Renormalization Group Flows
Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 16, No. 3 (2007) 171-206

J. Feldman, M. Salmhofer
Singular Fermi Surfaces I. General Power Counting and Higher-Dimensional Cases
arXiv:0706.1786v1 [math-ph]
Rev. Math. Phys. 20, No. 3 (2008) 233 - 274

J. Feldman, M. Salmhofer
Singular Fermi Surfaces II. The Two-Dimensional Case
arXiv:0706.1788v1 [math-ph]
Rev. Math. Phys. 20, No. 3 (2008) 275 - 334

W. Pedra, M. Salmhofer
Determinant Bounds and the Matsubara UV Problem of Many-Fermion Systems
July 4, 2007 arXiv:0707.2810v1 [math-ph]
Commun. Math. Phys. (2008)

M. Salmhofer
Physik und Mathematik
Poster contributed to the Exhibition Mathematik und Kultur in Leipzig
June, 2008
The second poster for this topic was done by G. Rudolph and R. Verch

M. Salmhofer
Ludwig Boltzmann
Contribution to the volume Jubiläen 2006 , published by the University of Leipzig
January, 2006

L. Erdös, M. Salmhofer, H.-T. Yau,
Feynman graphs and renormalization in quantum diffusion
to appear in the proceedings of the conference in honour of Wolfhart Zimmermann's 80th birthday (Schloss Ringberg, February 3-6, 2008)

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last updated June 24, 2008    MS