
Stefan Halverscheid

Stefan Halverscheid

Stefan Halverscheid holds the chair for Mathematics Education at the University of Göttingen. He coordinates activities of teacher education and advanced training for the MINT faculties, and presently he also is the dean of the faculty of mathemathematics and computer sciences.

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Jürgen Vollmer

Jürgen Vollmer

Jürgen Vollmer is associate professor at the Faculty of Physics at the University of Göttingen. Presently, he is coordinating the digitization of the Göttingen Collection of Mathematical Models and Instruments and he is involved in the training of (prospective) physics and mathematics teachers.

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Lars Emmermann

Lars Emmermann

Lars Emmermann is a student of mathematics and physics didactics at the University of Göttingen. He provides support in the digitization of the collection, 3d printing projects, and administration of these pages.

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