Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
graphgen::adjlistGeneric adjacency list output format
graphgen::adjmatrixGeneric adjacency matrix output format
graphgen::canonical< W, R >Ensemble class to sample graphs from the canonical statistical pseudo ensemble
graphgen::clusteringglobalGlobal clustering coefficient estimator
graphgen::clusteringlocalLocal clustering coefficient estimator
graphgen::degreedistDegree distribution estimator
graphgen::degreeseqDegree sequence output format
graphgen::distancedistDistance distribution estimator
graphgen::ensemble_base< W, S >Ensemble base class, defines generic typedefs, data fields, access methods for all ensemble classes
graphgen::estimatorEstimator base class
graphgen::grandcanonical< W, R >Ensemble class to sample graphs from the grand-canonical statistical pseudo ensemble
graphgen::graphvizGraphviz output format
graphgen::link_weight< WV >Two point weight template class
graphgen::linklistGeneric link list output format
graphgen::microcanonical< W, R >Ensemble class to sample graphs from the micro-canonical statistical pseudo ensemble
graphgen::shape::multigraph< W >Restriction functor proposes local updates to ensemble classes without any restrictions
graphgen::shape::noselflinks< W >Restriction functor proposes local updates to ensemble classes, preserving the ensemble of multi-link degenerate graphs
graphgen::pajekPajek output format
graphgen::Ratio< R >Ratio functor calculates the appropriate weight ratio for a proposed local update
graphgen::shape::simple< W >Restriction functor proposes local updates preserving the simple graph ensemble
graphgen::symmetric_matrix< T >Symmetric matrix container data type<T>
graphgen::shape::tree< W >Restriction functor proposes local updates preserving the tree propoerty of the simulated graph
graphgen::undirected_graphUndirected_graph is a central element of graphgen, representing a graph with undirected links
graphgen::undirected_graph::ibreadthBreadth first search iterator
graphgen::undirected_graph::idepthDepth first search iterator
graphgen::undirected_graph::ilinksIterator over all undirected links of a graph
graphgen::undirected_graph::ineighborsIterator over the neighbors of a start node
graphgen::undirected_graph::isequenceSimple node sequence iterator
graphgen::value_typeEnumeration type template parameter to specify weight calculation and handling
graphgen::vertex_weight< WV >One point weight template class

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