Post Workshop
Previous Workshops:
- CompPhys15
- CompPhys14
- Workshop DEC13
- CompPhys13
- BuildMoNa Scientific Module 2013-T2 Multifunctional Scaffolds: Modeling and Simulating Macromolecules
- SFB/TRR 102 Advanced Training Module Introduction to Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Polymers, Halle, 07 Feb & Leipzig, 08 Feb 2013
- CompPhys12
- Leipzig-Lviv AvH Partnership Kick-Off Workshop , Lviv, Ukraine, 03 July 2012
- CompPhys11
- CompPhys10
- CompPhys09
- Macromolecules09
- GPU Workshop 09
- ENRAGEing Perspectives
- MECO34
- CompPhys08
- Spring School 08 - Monte Carlo Simulations of Disordered Systems
- CompPhys07
- Workshop ANet07- Applications of Networks: From Fundamental Physics to Complex Networks, Jagellonian University, Krakow, Poland (2-4 Nov 2007)
- PI007 - Int. Path-Integral Conference, MPI-PKS Dresden (23-28 Sept 2007)
- DPG Symposium "Finite-Size Effects", Univ. Regensburg (27 March 2007)
- CompPhys06
- CompPhys05
- ProtFold05
- CECAM05 Workshop (Lyon, 6-8 June 2005)
- CompPhys04
- ANet04
- CompPhys03
- CompPhys02
- CompPhys01
- CompPhys00
Last modified: Tue Nov 22 20:44:01 CET 2016 (WJ)