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Homepage of Martin Weigel

Research Interests
Curriculum Vitae


This page is outdated. Please visit the page of my Research Group working at Coventry University:

I am a post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Mathematics at Heriot-Watt University on an individual Intra-European Marie-Curie Fellowship of the European Community, working together with Prof. Des A. Johnston. I did my PhD and I am still actively collaborating with the group of Prof. Dr. Wolfhard Janke at the University of Leipzig. I am working on the application of statistical mechanics methods in ordered and disordered lattice spin models, in lattice field theory and other highly correlated situations such as social systems.

Currently, half of the world is in a football fever, and so am I as a scientist.

My contacts are:

Address:Department of Mathematics
School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Heriot-Watt University
Edinburgh EH14 4AS
Scotland, UK

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