Dear Colleagues and Friends,

after having had this workshop for nine years in Vienna from 1991-1999, it started circulating among Leipzig 2000, Dublin 2001, Debrecin 2002, Yale University 2003, Leipzig 2004, Vienna 2005, Coventry 2006, and in combination with the CompPhys07 Workshop in Leipzig 2007. This year the Workshop will be again to Leipzig, taking place from Thursday, 26 June, to Saturday, 28 June 2008. The final day conicides with the opening of the German "Science Summer" which will take place in Leipzig at Augustusplatz and last for a whole week, and the Leipzig "Night of Sciences" on 28/29 June. We would be glad if many of the regular visitors (Stammgäste) of the previous meetings would also enjoy coming to Leipzig this year. As in previous years the idea of the workshop is to provide a forum for a healthy exchange of ideas and to meet in a relaxed atmosphere in Leipzig in early summer.

The conference will start after lunch on Thursday, 26 June, and will end Saturday afternoon, 28 June.

Please let us know whether you will join us and send a preliminary title of your contribution. We will also have a poster session with plenty of discussion time with refreshments and encourage you to make use of this opportunity.

We ask you to make use of WWW registration. More details on locations, accomodations and schedule will be soon available from our WWW page. In view of tourism and limited hotel capacity at moderate prices in Leipzig please try to meet the

DEADLINE: 31 May 2008.

but do not feel discouraged in case you miss this date ...: the Workshop has previously been and is also this year intended to be informal! Hotel reservations, however, may become problematic if you are late.

Feel free to forward this announcement to interested colleagues. We hope to welcome you in Leipzig.

With best regards,
for the LOC
Wolfhard Janke and Arwed Schiller

Institut für Theoretische Physik
Universität Leipzig
Postfach 100 920
D-04009 Leipzig

Tel.: +49-341-9732-725 or 446
Fax.: +49-341-9732-747 or 548