48th LQP Workshop and Detlev-Fest
International workshop on foundations and constructive aspects of QFT
Conference in honour of Detlev Buchholz's 80th birthday
ITP, Universität Leipzig, Germany · 5th – 8th June 2024 · lqp48@itp.uni-leipzig.de
We welcome you to the 48th edition of the Local Quantum Physics workshop series, which is an international conference concerning mathematical aspects of quantum field theory (QFT). Quantum field theories on both Minkowski spacetime and on curved spacetimes are within the scope of the workshop, and there is particular emphasis on the algebraic approach to QFT. We also expect talks from neighbouring fields, such as Euclidean QFT, quantum statistical mechanics, stochastic differential equations, non-commutative geometry, quantum gravity, quantum information theory and related topics.
We invite scientists working on fundamental aspects of quantum field theory to give presentations of their work (axiomatic, mathematical, constructive). Priority will be given to junior scientists.
In honour of Detlev Buchholz as the founder of the LQP workshop series and on the occasion of his 80th birthday, we also welcome you to the Detlev-Fest, two days dedicated to his life and work with presentations by his students and colleagues.
The organizers: Daniela Cadamuro, Markus B. Fröb, Christoph Minz, with assistance from Leonardo Sangaletti and Carmine A. Ferrentino. We acknowledge support from the DFG Emmy Noether research group «The quantum stress-energy tensor» CA 1850/1-1 and the University of Leipzig.