CompPhys09 Timetable

26 November 2009  -   Linnestr. 5, Theory Lecture Hall ("Theorie Hörsaal")
08:45-09:10  - Registration and Welcome Coffee ("Aula") -  
09:10-09:15  - Opening - 
Session 1: Statistical Physics I (Chair: Ulrich Behn)
09:15-09:35 Eugene Petrov Translational diffusion in two-component lipid membranes close to phase transition
09:35-09:55 Xavier Durang Exact results in the one-dimensional coagulation-diffusion process by the empty-interval method
09:55-10:15 Lars Heinke Using kinetic Monte Carlo simulations for investigating surface barriers in nanoporous materials
10:15-10:35 Thiago Mattos Effects of spillover and particle size in a kinetic model of catalyzed reactions
10:35-11:00 - Coffee Break ("Aula") -  
Session 2: Polymer Physics (Chair: Michael Bachmann)
11:00-11:20 Mark Taylor All-or-none protein-like folding of a homopolymer chain
11:20-11:40 Daniel Reith Influence of chain stiffness and sequence on knottedness in polymer globules
11:40-12:00 Monika Möddel Systematic microcanonical analyses of polymer adsorption transitions
12:00-12:20 Andre Galuschko Molecular dynamics simulation of polymer brushes
12:20-12:40 Christoph Junghans Versatile object-oriented toolkit for coarse-graining applications
12:40-14:35 - Lunch Break at Mensa Pragerstr. -  
Session 3: Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics (Chair: Christophe Chatelain)
14:35-14:55 Malte Henkel Non-markovian global persistence in phase-ordering kinetics
14:55-15:15 Alfred Hucht Nonequilibrium phase transition in an exactly solvable driven Ising model with friction
15:15-15:35 Jean-Charles Walter Numerical investigation of the aging of the fully fustrated XY model
15:35-15:55 Bartlomiej Waclaw Tuning the shape of the condensate in spontaneous symmetry breaking
Session 4: Posters (Chair: Ralph Kenna)
15:55-16:15 Short oral presentations of posters listed below
16:15-17:00 - Poster Session & Coffee Break ("Aula") -  
Session 5: Joint Physics- and NTZ-Colloquium (Chair: Wolfhard Janke)
17:00-18:00 Nobuyasu Ito Simulation study on nonequilibrium transport phenomena
19:00-20:15 - Glühwein at Christmas Market -  
20:30 - Dinner at "Thüringer Hof" (Burgstr. 19) -  
27 November 2009  -   Linnestr. 5, Theory Lecture Hall ("Theorie Hörsaal")
08:45-09:15  - Wake-Up Coffee ("Aula") -  
Session 6: Disordered Systems (Chair: Elmar Bittner)
09:15-09:35 Viktoria Blavatska Polymers in crowded environment under stretching force: globule-coil transitions
09:35-09:55 Ferenc Iglói Disordered Potts model on the diamond hierarchical lattice
09:55-10:15 Björn Ahrens Properties of exact ground states of the random-field Ising magnet around the upper critical dimension
10:15-10:35 Victor Martin-Mayor Large-scale equilibrium simulation of the 3D Edwards-Anderson model
10:35-10:55 Beatriz Seoane Bartolomä Spin glass on the hypercube
10:55-11:20 - Coffee Break ("Aula") -  
Session 7: Critical Phenomena (Chair: Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns)
11:20-11:40 Arnulf Möbius Critical behavior of the Coulomb-glass model in the zero-disorder limit: Ising universality in a system with long-range interactions
11:40-12:00 Adriaan Schakel Critical loop gases and the worm algorithm
12:00-12:20 Oliver Melchert Critical behavior of bond-diluted negative-weight percolation
12:20-12:40 David Yllanes A cluster Monte Carlo algorithm with a conserved order parameter
12:40-12:45 - Group Photo in front of "Aula" -  
12:45-14:15 - Lunch Break at Mensa Pragerstr. -  
Session 8: Quantum Systems (Chair: Meik Hellmund)
14:15-14:35 Dragi Karevski Critical quench dynamics in confined systems
14:35-14:55 Thomas Neuhaus Statistical analysis of quantum adiabatic computations
14:55-15:15 Holger Perlt Wilson loops at very high order of lattice pertubation theory
15:15-15:35 Zdzislaw Burda Product of random Gaussian matrices
15:35-16:00 - Coffee Break ("Aula") -  
Session 9: Statistical Physics II (Chair: Harald Markum)
16:00-16:20 Christian von Ferber Eggheads: shapes of embedded networks
16:20-16:40 Wolfgang Paul Trading leads to scale-free self-organization
16:40-17:00 Steffen Trimper Exact solution of the stochastic SIR model
17:00-17:20 Hsiao-Ping Hsu Structure analysis of bottle-brush polymers: simulation and experiment
17:20-17:40 Michael Schreiber The modified sharpened index h_ms and other variants in the Hirsch index zoo
17:40-17:45  - Closing - 
17:45-18:45  - Poster Session & Fare-Well Beer/Wine -  
20:00  - Dinner at Ratskeller (Burgplatz) -  
28 November 2009  -   Vor dem Hospitaltore 1, Large ("Grosser") Seminar Room 1L12/13
Session 10: New Developments in Computational Physics (Chair: Wolfhard Janke)
10:00-12:30  - Discussion of Collaborative Projects -  
12:30-14:30 - Lunch Break at Pizzeria "Da Salvo" (Phillip-Rosenthal-Str. 9) -  
14:30-17:00  - Collaboration Meetings -  
17:00-18:00   - Summary & Future Perspectives -  
19:00 - Dinner at ??? ("democratic decision") -  
List of Posters in Session 4
Michael Bachmann Thermodynamics of tubelike flexible polymers
Ulrich Behn Nonequilibrium phase transitions in finite arrays of globally coupled Stratonovich models: Strong coupling limit
Rainer Bischof Phase diagram of a mixed quantum spin chain with bond alternation and exchange anisotropy
Elmar Bittner Anisotropy of the interface tension of the three-dimensional Ising model
Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad Stability in continuous versus Boolean dynamics
Ingrid Ibagon Ab initio study of Fe-porphyrin, Fe-phthalocyanine and carbon nanotubes with FeN4 defects
Steffen Karalus Cutting the energy range in multicanonical Monte Carlo simulations
Ralph Kenna The site-diluted Ising model in 2 and 4 dimensions
Harald Markum On the mass in fundamental theories of physics and its computation and measurement
Monika Möddel Systematic microcanonical analyses of polymer adsorption transitions
Adolfo Poma From an atomistic to a path integral representation of molecules in adaptive simulation
Áttila Rodrigues The stochastic nature of predator-prey cycles
Arwed Schiller The lattice ghost propagator in Landau gauge up to three loops using numerical stochastic perturbation theory
Jacek Siódmiak The ball-model of an early stage of nucleation of the globular protein crystals with the use of fulleren-like mapping of the surface properties
Micha Wiedenmann Evaporation/condensation transition of 3D Ising droplets

Wolfhard Janke - Tue Nov 24 19:42:28 CET 2009 (WJ)