Malte Henkel (Nancy, France):
Non-Markovian global persistence in phase-ordering kinetics
Wolfgang Paul (Halle):
Trading leads to scale-free self-organization
Nobuyasu Ito (Tokyo, Japan):
Simulation study on nonequilibrium transport phenomena
Wolfhard Janke (Leipzig):
Thomas Neuhaus (FZ Jülich):
Statistical analysis of quantum adiabatic computations
Oleksii Sliusarenko (Kharkov, Ukraine):
Anomalous relaxation phenomena and Kramers problem
Mark Taylor (Hiram, USA):
All-or-none protein-like folding of a homopolymer chain
Si Khaled Mehdi (Algiers, Algeria):
Thermodynamics of bosons free in box using exact energies
Eugene Petrov (Dresden):
Translational diffusion in two-component lipid membranes close to phase transition
Andre Galuschko (Strasbourg, France):
MD simulation of polymer brushes
Oliver Melchert (Oldenburg):
Critical behavior of bond-diluted negative-weight percolation
Björn Ahrens (Oldenburg):
Properties of exact ground states of the random-field Ising magnet around the upper critical dimension
Viktoria Blavatska (Lviv, Ukraine):
Polymers in crowded environment under stretching force: globule-coil transitions
Adolfo Poma (MPI Mainz):
From an atomistic to a path integral representation of molecules in adaptive simulation (P)
Tânia Tomé de Castro (Sao Paulo, Brazil):
Stochastic lattice gas model describing the dynamics of an epidemics
Christophe Chatelain (Nancy, France):
Michael Schreiber (Chemnitz):
The modified sharpened index h_ms and other variants in the Hirsch index zoo
Christian von Ferber (Coventry, UK):
Eggheads: shapes of embedded networks
Dragi Karevski (Nancy, France):
Critical quench dynamics in confined systems
Elmar Bittner (Leipzig):
Anisotropy of the interface tension of the three-dimensional Ising model (P)
Daniel Reith (Mainz):
Influence of chain stiffness and sequence on knottedness in polymer globules
Lars Heinke (FHI Berlin):
Using kinetic Monte Carlo simulations for investigating surface barriers in nanoporous materials
Jean-Charles Walter (Nancy, France):
Numerical investigation of the aging of the fully frustrated XY model
Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad (Leipzig):
Stability in continuous versus Boolean dynamics (P)
Thiago Mattos (Niterói, Brazil):
Effects of spillover and particle size in a kinetic model of catalyzed reactions
Ingrid Ibagon (Belo Horizonte, Brazil):
Ab initio study of Fe-porphyrin, Fe-phthalocyanine and carbon nanotubes with FeN4 defects (P)
Leonid Semishev (Volgograd, Russia):
Structural synthesis of operational parameters of tribocoupling (P)
Xavier Durang (Nancy, France):
Exact results in the one-dimensional coagulation-diffusion process by the
empty-interval method
Arnulf Möbius (Dresden):
Critical behavior of the Coulomb-glass model in the zero-disorder limit: Ising universality in a system with long-range interactions
Hsiao-Ping Hsu (Mainz):
Structure analysis of bottle-brush polymers: simulation and experiment
Michael Bachmann (FZ Jülich):
Thermodynamics of tubelike flexible polymers (P)
Jonathan Gross (Leipzig):
Jacek Siódmiak (Bydgoszcz, Poland):
The ball-model of an early stage of nucleation of the globular protein crystals with the use of fulleren-like mapping of the surface properties (P)
Christoph Junghans (MPI Mainz):
Versatile object-oriented toolkit for coarse-graining applications
Steffen Karalus (Leipzig):
Cutting the energy range in multicanonical Monte Carlo simulations (P)
Ferenc Iglói (Budapest, Hungary):
Disordered Potts model on the diamond hierarchical lattice
Martin Bock (Bonn):
Steffen Trimper (Halle):
Exact solution of the stochastic SIR model
Victor Martin-Mayor (Madrid, Spain):
Large-scale equilibrium simulation of the 3D Edwards-Anderson model
Beatriz Seoane Bartolomä (Madrid, Spain):
Spin glass on the hypercube
David Yllanes (Madrid, Spain):
A cluster Monte Carlo algorithm with a conserved order parameter
Ralph Kenna (Coventry, UK):
The site-diluted Ising model in 2 and 4 dimensions (P)
Monika Möddel (Leipzig):
Systematic microcanonical analyses of polymer adsorption transitions
Bartlomiej Waclaw (Edinburgh, UK):
Tuning the shape of the condensate in spontaneous symmetry breaking
Holger Perlt (Leipzig):
Wilson loops at very high order of lattice pertubation theory
Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns (Bremen):
Áttila Rodrigues (Sao Paulo, Brazil):
The stochastic nature of predator–prey cycles (P)
Arwed Schiller (Leipzig):
The lattice ghost propagator in Landau gauge up to three loops using numerical stochastic perturbation theory (P)
Zdzislaw Burda (Krakow, Poland):
Product of random Gaussian matrices
Rainer Bischof (Leipzig):
Phase diagram of a mixed quantum spin chain with bond alternation and exchange anisotropy (P)
Adriaan Schakel (Leipzig):
Critical loop gases and the worm algorithm
Mathias Aust (Leipzig):
Sebastian Schöbl (Leipzig):
Alfred Hucht (Duisburg):
Nonequilibrium phase transition in an exactly solvable driven Ising model with friction
Meik Hellmund (Leipzig):
Micha Wiedenmann (Leipzig):
Evaporation/condensation transition of 3D Ising droplets (P)
Mario Collura (Leipzig):
Ulrich Behn (Leipzig):
Nonequilibrium phase transitions in finite arrays of globally coupled Stratonovich models: Strong coupling limit (P)
Hannes Nagel (Leipzig):
Reinhold Haberlandt (Leipzig):
Johannes Zierenberg (Leipzig):
Frank Beyer (Mainz):
Daniel Rings (Leipzig):
Andrea Kramer (Leipzig):
Niklas Fricke (Leipzig):
Harald Markum (TU Wien):
On the mass in fundamental theories of physics and its computation and measurement (P)
Andreas Nußbaumer (Leipzig):
Sebastian Sturm (Leipzig):
Jens Glaser (Leipzig):
Siegfried Fritzsche (Leipzig):
Lars Wolff (Leipzig):