I am a doctoral student in the CQT group of the Theoretical Physics Institute at the University Leipzig.
My research is concerned with entropic aspects that alter the standard finite-size scaling approach to first-order phase transitions.
Together with Des Johnston, and Wolfhard Janke I explored how a system that shows a macroscopic degeneracy leads to such non-standard finite-size scaling. Also, effects arising from different boundary conditions are investigated for the smaller or medium-sized systems that are accessible to computer simulations, using spin-lattice systems.
I applied sophisticated Monte Carlo methods, multicanonical simulations, for the detailed numerical analysis of equilibrium thermodynamics of polymers under geometrical surface constraints, or spin lattice systems.
Please note that I have left the institute.
email: mueller@itp.uni-leipzig.de (PGP key)
Institut für Theoretische Physik
Universität Leipzig
Postfach 100 920
D-04009 Leipzig, Germany