20th LQP Workshop

Foundations and constructive aspects of QFT

June 29-30, 2007


Leipzig University

Gandalf Lechner (ESI Wien)

Wedge-Localized Quantum Fields on Noncommutative Minkowski Space

A model related to the free scalar field on d-dimensional noncommutative Minkowski spacetime is discussed (d>1). Using a specific action of the proper Lorentz group on the set of matrices given by the commutator of the coordinates x_mu, we obtain from the free field a whole family of fields which are localized in infinitely extended, wedge-shaped regions in Minkowski space. These fields transform covariantly under the proper Poincare group and moreover lead to a non-trivial two-particle S-matrix. Some comments about the existence of local observables in this model are also made.

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Info: Rainer Verch
ITP, Universitaet Leipzig
Vor dem Hospitaltore 1
Phone: +49 341 97 32423