CompPhys22: Virtual Rooms Guides

These infos may be updated on the flight if needed - so please recheck periodically!

Here first the relevant links:

Zoom (for all talks)

Open Zoom session

Gather Town (for poster sessions and all breaks - if "2021" shows up, this is fine ...!)

Open Gather Town session

Zoom (for all talks)

When you just want to listen to/watch the talks, opening Zoom at the address sent by e-mail is all.

When you present a talk yourself, you should open your presentation on your notebook or PC and, once your slot is announced, click "Share Screen". A new window will open where you can select the application showing your presentation. This will then be seen by all other participants (together with a small window showing yourself if your camera respectively video setting is active). You may use the mouse as a pointer. Please don't forget to turn on your micro!

Gather Town (for poster sessions and coffee breaks)

Once opened in your browser at the address given in the e-mail, the Gather Town administration will ask you first for your name which is used for identifying you in the virtual Gather Town. Your current position is shown by your avatar, i.e., person symbol with your name (the one you entered) attached to it. You can move this avatar up, down, left, right with the arrow keys. Upon entering Gather Town, you will be initially in the "Meeting Room". Moving to the right you will enter the "Poster Room" and, equally important, to the left you enter the "Bar" where the coffee is "served". In both cases the entrance is roughly in the middle of the y direction (the topological setting is actually like a strip with fixed bc in y and periodic bc in x direction). Once you are close to a poster you can open it by pressing "x", and if you are close to any other participant(s) you can talk with each other. Please be sure that your micro is turned on (symbol in the lower right corner)! On the menu on the left-hand side you'll also find an option to get a list of all people in the rooms of Gather Town. By clicking on a name you can easily trace the participant you want to talk to - the administration will direct you the proper way! There are also white boards at the upper and lower walls which are pretty functional (if you are close to one of them, just enter "x" and the white board will open).

Last modified: Wed 21 Nov 2022 14:15:03 AM CET (WJ)