ITP Preprints

Welcome to the Preprint Server of the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Leipzig.

Here are some hints on how to use this service. Maybe you prefer to read the german version of this document.

1. Creating a new preprint entry
To add a preprint entry you have to fill out this form . The login information asked for in the first paragraph is only needed if you want to gain the possibility of changing an entry later on. The owners of the logins listed in the fields "Your login" (typically yourself) and "Other logins" (typically your co-authors, if they have an account at the ITP pool) can thereafter, identifying themselves with their normal login passwords, change your entry. If you leave the "Your login" field empty, no one can change the entry after it has been submitted (i.e. for correcting a typo or adding a journal reference). If you specify a "Your login" you have to give your login password in the "password" field.

The second paragraph of the form is useful if the preprint has been already submitted to the Los Alamos preprint server. Just select the archive and enter the Los Alamos preprint number in the usual form "yymmnnn", e.g. "9802123". If you want the Los Alamos information to get into the ITP database as it is, press "Submit" and confirm the submission thereafter. If you want to apply changes compared to the LA entry or are not quite sure if the number is correct, press "Retrieve" to get the LA information directly and apply the appropriate changes. Note that this functionality will not overwrite any fields you already filled out, but will keep them as they are. So you have to press "Clear form" before retrieving the LA entry if you want to override your entries.

The ITP preprint number that is presented in the final dialog is only preliminary since someone could press his final "Submit" button before you do; so only the number presented after "I've added your preprint ..." is definite.
2. Changing an existing preprint entry
To change an existing ITP Preprint entry specify the ITP Preprint number here or click the "Edit" button in the "View preprints" section. All users listed in the now appearing form below "Your login" and "Other logins" are allowed to change the entry. If you are the owner of one of those logins enter login name and password in the field "Your login" and apply the desired changes to the fields below. To apply the changes, press "Submit" at the bottom of the page and confirm your changes in the final dialog.

The Los Alamos preprint section works as in the "Creating a preprint" section.
3. Search the database of ITP preprints
The search function covers complete database entries, i.e. the short authors/titles information as well as the abstracts. You can influence the behaviour of the search engine via some radio buttons. A case sensitive search does not find "foo" if you type "FOO" or "Foo", whereas a case insensitive does. A search in word mode gives only full word matches, e.g. doesn't find "spinwave" if you asked for "spin", while a search in substring mode does.

In the metacharacter mode you can use meta characters to express wildcards or boolean expressions in the search pattern. Concatenating strings with a ";" acts as a boolean AND between the subexpressions; in the same way you can use "," for OR and "~" for NOT. You can use curly brackets "{" and "}" to group expressions. A "." stands for any character, "#" means any number of occurrences of the preceding atom. If you want to search for one of these characters literally in metacharacter mode, you can escape them by a preceding backslash "\". Take a look at the glimpse page or type "man glimpse" on the command line for further information.

Furthermore one can find approximate matches by inserting the number of allowed errors, i.e. deviating characters, in the "# errors" field. Note that this number must, of course, be smaller than the length of the search string.


ITP Webmaster, last update Jan 23, 2003