Universität Leipzig
ITP – Institut für Theoretische Physik
Page: Usage

The queuing system

The queueing system currently installed on Hagrid is OpenPBS/Maui.

Useful commands

qsubto submit a job
qstat to check the status of the queue
qdelto delete a job
checkjobwhat does the scheduler think about a job

Less useful commands

qholdto place a hold on a job
qrlsto release a hold on a job
qselectto list all jobs meeting certain creteria
qmoveto move a job to a different queue
qorderto change the ordering of two jobs in a queue
qrerunto terminate a job and return it to the queue
qsigto send a signal to a job

Scalar (single) jobs

The qsub job files are simple shell scripts with PBS directives in form of shell comments.


#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
#PBS -q grawp
cd /home/user/scalar


This script executes the programm scalartest on one node of the queue grawp. The line beginning with #PBS marks a PBS directive. Here, the job needs one node and one processor (per node). It is important to note the change in the correct directory using the cd command.


Parallel (MPI) jobs

To start an MPI job the mpiexec command is used.


#PBS -l nodes=4:ppn=2
#PBS -q grawp
cd /home/user/mpi
mpiexec -n 8 ./mpitest


This jobs takes four nodes with two processor per node, i.e. a total of eight cpus. The argument to mpiexec (-n) is the total number of processes (4*2). The actual program exectuted on the nodes is mpitest.


For an odd number of nine cpus the corresponding PBS directive is


#PBS -l nodes=4:ppn=2+1:ppn=1:grawp


Note: this directive allocates 2 processors on 4 nodes and 1 processor on 1 node. The directive grawp after ppn=1 is necessary, otherwise torque/maui allocates nodes of any queue-type. To change the node-type of the first set of processors, in this case 4:ppn=2 use the -q directive.


Actually torque/maui has the freedom to pack the nodes, i.e. it might allocate 2 nodes with 4 processors and 1 node with 1 processor.

Useful PBS directives

-lresources (cpu time, memory, ...) required by the job
-estandard error stream
-ostandard output stream
-Nname of the job
-ppriority of the job
-qdestination of the job (queue)
-Sshell that exectutes the job script


PBS can control different queues which differe on criteria like the wall clock time etc.

In order to have a fair share of the resources (cpu time) consummed by the users the Maui sheduler reorders the execution sequence.

To get an overview of the available queues the qstat command can be used


qstat -Q -f

qstat -q


Jobs can be submitted (-q directive) to the following queues:

queue namedefault CPU Timedefault no. of CPUsmachine size
hagrid12h132 bit
hermione24h164 bit
grawp2h164 bit

Obtaining an account

For technical questions or an account on grawp ask the system administrators.